Glad to have you here!
This website is dedicated for publishing my hobbyist data science projects. You may expect here short data-driven stories accompanied by the visualization of the results and take-home messages. The coding part of the projects is mostly done in Python in Jupyter Notebooks. In the main text I often refer to the specific scripts that are publicly available on my GitHub.
The motivation for the selection of the topics is simply a curiosity and wiliness to explore different types of data.
Short bio:
My name is Dariusz Gołowicz and I am postdoctoral researcher in chemistry. I obtained my PhD in chemistry in 2022 from the University of Warsaw, where I worked on my thesis entitled “Novel methods for acquiring and processing NMR signals with combined sampling of Fourier and non-Fourier dimensions“. My area of expertise is Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy with emphasis on NMR methods development. I participated in several big projects involving NMR spectroscopy and also carried out my own project entitled “Detailed NMR fingerprinting of proteins”, financed by National Science Centre of Poland. I co-authored 13 papers in recognized peer-reviewed journals, 2 papers in scientific magazines and presented my findings on 12 international and 2 national conferences. The full list of my scientific achievements is available on my ORCID profile. Additionaly, you may check my Google Scholar and ResearchGate profiles. To extend my data analysis knowledge I completed a a 1-year post-graduate course “Data Science – algorithms, tools and applications for Big Data problems“ at the Warsaw University of Technology.
Broadly speaking my interests concern new technologies in both hardware and software. I am a strong enthusiast of automating and optimizing things with scripts. I like playing with different types of data, starting from its collection to final conclusions. I am hobbyist Arduino programmer with a successful project that found real application in the laboratory.
To reach me out use this email address golowiczdariusz@gmail.com or text me on LinkedIn.